Clash royale game history
Clash royale game history

Kodisoja, the firm's creative director left the company in 2010, followed soon after by Paananen. In the following year, the American Digital Chocolate bought Sumea and made the company its Finnish headquarters and Paananen the European manager. In 2003, Sumea made a profit of 1.2 million euros. Kodisoja co-founded Sumea in 1999, and Paananen was hired as the company's CEO in 2000. History Background and founding īefore Supercell, two of its founders, Mikko Kodisoja and Ilkka Paananen, worked at Sumea, a mobile game company. The final decision for cancelling a project is done by the development team themselves. One of the games that was cancelled well into development was Battle Buddies, which had also been rated well in the test market, but the number of players was still too small. Successful failures are celebrated by employees. The team subsequently develops the idea into a game, which the rest of the company's employees get to play-test, followed by play-testing in Canada's iTunes App store if the Canada reception is good, the next step is global rollout (via iTunes). The focus has not been on revenue, but on the principle "just design something great, something that users love." Game development focuses around "cells" of five to seven people which start with idea generation and an initial review by CEO Paananen. The company's objective is to focus on the successful games that stay popular for years. Supercell focuses on the development of free-to-play games that yield profits through the in-game micropayments. 2.4 Development of games after Clash of Clans.

Clash royale game history